Friday, April 6, 2012

April and May plans

Not going to lie, I'm exhausted thinking about plans for the next two months!  But here's a snap shot of what's going on:
Tuesday: Review sessions for AP and SOLs start, every day after school (meaning less planning and grading time) until May 11th for AP and May 21st for everyone else
Next weekend (April 14th): Theta brunch, Japanese Street Festival, Uncle/Aunt/Cousin supposedly in town
April 21st weekend: Jess and Lacy come visit!  Possibly going to the Theta Govt Relations Reception on Sunday
April 28th weekend: possible house party (for a roomie's friend), CASA run in Fairfax, Celtic festival (dancing) in MD, Rose of Tralee ceremony on Sunday
May 5th weekend: Danielle's bachelorette party
Friday May 11th: AP US test!!!!!
May 12th weekend: Alex comes to visit
May 19th weekend: in Pittsburgh for Danielle's wedding
Monday May 21st: SOLs start (2 weeks of weird schedules, testing, cranky kids and teachers)
May 26th weekend: Ithaca to see my baby brother get his master's degree!
Then it's June!
AHHHHHHHH!!!! Time is flying sooo fast isn't it?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Break Project 1

Project #1: Picnic Table

Got a picnic table, assembled with the help of roommate Matt, ready for summer!

Now all we need is some warmer weather!

Cherry Blossoms

For two weekends in a row I had been trying to get down to see the cherry blossoms along the tidal basin, but alas, next year will have to work out.  The previous weekend it rained so I saw the hunger games twice, had dinner with a friend and got some work done for school (typical).  Last weekend I spent Friday night having one drink at Mexicali Blues (I've been warned not to eat there) and then headed over for some pizza at Pete's with my roomie and her friends, fabulous of course!  I was ready for bed by 10pm, so unlike spring breaks of college.  Welcome to the new life!

Saturday I met my friend Sara and her mom downtown at Eastern Market, got Indian food for lunch (I generally avoid because it contains lots of dairy, but they made me special non-dairy food!) and then headed over to the new Native American museum.  We spotted some cherry blossoms near the Capitol building and took some pictures, then headed to the museum before I had to head out.  Cherry blossoms are so pretty!  And there were some tulips left!

Saturday night I headed out to a friend's in Herndon for their housewarming party and then spend Sunday doing errands!  Yay for a week of spring break!