Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Goodbye 910 N. Edgewood

Sad to move out of 910 N. Edgewood, it was a great house in a great location, and I had some great roommates, but sometimes you just have to move on when life presents you opportunities and you've changed.

The empty room, ready for the next person

Thanks for 2 great years!

Bookshelf re-do

When we rented the new place I realized that the walls in the bedrooms were all white, and going with a smaller bedroom and dark furniture it would be way too dark, thus led to deciding to paint my dark laminate bookshelf.
A couple DIY blogs had suggestions on how to paint laminate and all suggested using the Zinzer oil based primer, so that's what I started with, no sanding necessary.

After two coats of white primer and letting it dry, I moved the bookshelf outside and put on one coat of generic white.  The oil paint really smells, so it's best to do outside or in a garage, and fully let each coat dry before the next one, meaning 3 hours, not 1.5.

Due to rain, the bookshelf made it's way to the living room where I put a second coat of white on, and then painted the back with a light turquoise/aqua!

A few tips learned: double the tape when painting the back so you don't get any on the white sides, and place pastic on the bottom for any drips.

The final product!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

On to a new place!

Still living in Arlington and teaching at the same place, but the three of us...
are moving to a new townhouse in Ballston.  

My attempt at drawing the floor plan...

The Entry
My room from the door

My room looking to the back of the house

The Den, with a working fireplace!
Fantastic kitchen

View from kitchen to open dining room/living room
Other side of the kitchen

Living, dining and kitchen from the front

Cool nook shelves next to stairs down
Apparently the house was owned by an architect, who then rented to UVA frat boys (so a neighbor thinks) who were major partiers, had to re-do the house and then sold it to our landlords, who just bought a house in N. Arlington.  So we grabbed it up after one open house and they picked us!