Sunday, October 31, 2010

Post #100

It's definitely been a while since I wrote a serious post and there's been a lot going on lately.  I've learned that it's really tough to live with other people, and that you think you know a person but honestly never really do.  I thought I was a better judge of people, but boy has that been proved wrong lately.  I don't want to call anyone out, but suffice it to say that I will be better off next year if I live by myself.  I think I just need my own space where I don't have to worry about having nice things in my apartment and whether they are going to be ruined or misused.  I got all of my parent's old records but don't currently have a record player.  To get a decent one is about $200, but that's not something that I'm going to be bringing into the apartment.  (Things like not turning off the stereo after a party really bug me.)  I'm trying to make sure that people understand now to not expect me to do anything in the spring when I'm student teaching.  I have a feeling that it's going to be a couple rough months.  Not that the last few months haven't been rough enough.

I do a lot of thinking on longer car rides, and sometimes I wish I could record my thoughts because they might make for really interesting blog posts.  Maybe I should look into voice recording software.  But I've had lots of opportunities for long drives this semester, traveling to Randolph Macon, and traveling home twice in the same month.  I'm really glad that I went home for Anna's wedding and it really meant a lot that I was asked to be a part of her wedding, but it was hard because I wasn't really in the best place that weekend.  I've been really struggling with work load recently, and with realizing how much it hurts to be used by someone you thought cared about you, and that makes it hard to go to a wedding.  But seeing how much Anna and Ben love each other and respect each other does give some hope.  I just need to get out of this town!  It's especially hard when so many of my good friends are no longer here (or never have been here), which makes it even more lonely.  Add to that not having the Wesley House, which I'm realizing how much I miss it.  I'm not going to lie, I really liked the social club + faith atmosphere, and I really miss it.  That makes me resent RISE because I don't get any of the feelings from RISE that I did with Wesley.  I'm not saying that RISE is terrible (altho the sign at the house is. Red and orange plus trying to be old looking makes it look like devil flames, which to me symbolizes a cult), I'm sure it is great for some people, it's just not for me.  I'm ready to graduate and move on.

To make matters worse, I accidentally left my computer at home in PA last weekend.  *Sigh* I didn't figure it out until I got back to Hburg and called my parents freaking out.  They shipped it to me, but this was the week that I had 2 lesson plans (10-12 pages each, plus supplemental materials) due.  So I spent a lot of time in the library, which meant that when the post office tried to deliver my computer, I wasn't home.  The post office didn't leave a note until the following day (take a hint from UPS and leave notes!) which I didn't get until around 5pm when I got home from class and the library and of course the post office was closed.  We're not paying taxes to have post offices with insanely small hours.  So I had to wait until Friday to get my computer, wanted to pick it up before we had to leave for Montpelier on our class field trip, but no, the post office didn't open until 9:30 and we had to leave at 9.  (Again, hours?) So I finally got my computer after getting back from Montpelier at 2:30 and was running really late to get to Broadway for work, and proceeded to slice my fingers open trying to get the box open.  Luckily it wasn't deep enough to require stitches, but they still bled quite nicely.  Gah. I'm not even going to write about the beating we (Broadway) got from Harrisonburg on Friday night or the complete waste of human life that the refs were at the game, or my frustrations with drunk people from this weekend.  Those will have to go in another post.

Another note: I had to get new jeans because all of my old jeans were really saggy, so I went to Gap at home and got new jeans that were a smaller size and they fit in the store, but after washing them once (before wearing so my legs don't turn blue) they're now baggy too!  Just like the old ones!  I'm not paying $60 for jeans anymore that get stretched out the minute they leave the store.  Really Gap? Your quality is getting worse.

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