Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dairy free and smiling

Previously I was avoiding large amounts of dairy, but would still eat things with butter and whey in them, mainly processed foods and I was still feeling somewhat crummy.  I cut out all dairy (including butter) about 2 months ago and have to admit that I am feeling so much better!  I still get some occasional stomach/GI issues, but I think that's related to me eating too fast.  I also started taking calcium on a regular basis, Vitamin D and flinestones, and that combination plus not eating dairy has really helped.  I have more energy than I used to and am not so grumpy from feeling like crap.  The one issue with being completely dairy-free is that (well, besides having to inform others that I can't eat anything you make...) is that I don't get any of the good bacteria found in dairy (lactobacillus) which helps regulate your digestive system and prevents yeast infections in females.  So I have to take pro-biotics every couple days to make sure that I have enough to prevent yeast infections, which I used to get about once a month.

So if you go out to eat with me, or I eat at your house, I'm sorry if my dietary restrictions cause problems, but I think you'll prefer my company if I'm dairy-free.

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