Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Phone videos

Last night at dance we videotaped our choreography for both soft shoe and hard shoe (just me) on my phone because we all forgot cameras.  I wanted to download the video from my phone to my computer so that I could show my students something about me, but couldn't find the video on my phone when I connected it this morning, and can't take my phone out at school.  I then tried to email the video to myself, but my phone wouldn't let me attach it....

Any suggestions of how to get videos off my android (original droid) phone? HELP!


  1. Hey Christina!

    The best way I've found to do it is by using Dropbox on your computer and with your phone. (If you don't have Dropbox installed on your computer and you use this link, we both get free space!) From there, you download the Dropbox app to your phone and then upload the video from your Droid to your Dropbox. Then, you'll find it on your computer!

  2. Thanks Brent! Using dropbox worked really well!
