Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Yesterday was fantastic.  I got my classroom keys, I got my parking sticker, I found a clicker for my car (it was tough surviving without a car clicker, remember, my old one is in the sewer system in Marshall VA), and I got to set up my classroom.  Today, not so great.  We had meetings, meetings, meetings, and then another meeting, and by the end of all of it my head was spinning and I was overwhelmed.  I feel like I have soooo much to do before school starts, and not enough time to do it, not to mention, I'm missing a bunch of things necessary for teachers from my classroom, ie. a filing cabinet!  Never mind the extra bookshelf that I need, books can go on the floor, but I would really like a filing system so I know where things are.  The guy in charge of furniture said it might be a month before I get one from the purchase order.   Really?  How about you just order a new one for every teacher that arrives at the school.  You can never have too many filing cabinets (unless you fill the whole room and there's no room for students, but that's another problem you have).  So I get home, and I have bookclub, which I suggested the book for, so I should go.  Well turns out it was only myself and the club leader, which was ok, but not a great discussion being only two people after we had exhausted all the questions we had, and that voice in the back of my head kept nagging that I had a million-billion other things to do.  After that on my way home, I notice that I have an email from College Board, that my syllabus that I have to submit for review in order to have an official AP class, was denied.  Would be understandable if I wrote the entire thing myself, however, I USED THE SAME SYLLABUS AS TWO OTHER TEACHERS WHO GOT IT APPROVED!  (That's totally acceptable for teachers in the same dept to use the same syllabus.)  Really College Board?  On top of everything else I need to do before next Tuesday when munchkins who might be taller than me arrive at my classroom door, I have to take time to re-do my syllabus?  I'm just a little bit frustrated and overwhelmed.

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