Sunday, March 6, 2016

Four Things

These are always fun to do, and interesting to find year later...
Four names I go by:
1. Christina
2. Ms. V
3. Ms. Vandenbergh
4. Steiner or Nina *by certain family members
Four things I hate:
1. Disrespect
2. Not taking responsibility for self
3. Cleaning
4. Traffic
Four places I have worked:
1. U-Rec at JMU
2. Science Park Rec Association
4. College Board/ETS
Four things I love to watch
1. Downton Abbey
2. Jane the Virgin
3. Top Chef
4. Chopped
Four places I have been:
1. Puerto Rico
2. Scotland
3. Iceland
4. Ireland
Four things I am looking forward to:
1. The future with my fiance, soon to be husband
2. Seeing students improve on skills
3. Traveling
4. Spring Break
Four things I love to eat:
1. Mom's Ruby Red Corned Beef
2. Thai Peanut Stir-fry
3. Anything chocolate (dairy-free)
4. Strawberries
Four favorite drinks (not water):
1. Coffee
2. Hot tea with milk
3. A good stout
4. Lemonade in the summer

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