Thursday, December 2, 2010

DC visit, future home?

Before heading home for Thanksgiving, I headed to DC to see my friend Sara and learn a little bit more about the city that I'm now pretty sure I want to head to when I'm done here in Harrisonburg.  I headed up Saturday morning, met Sara at her house in Arlington and we metroed into the city.  First stop was lunch at Busboys and Poets, a great restaurant near the Convention Center.  Named after Langston Hughes, the restaurant focuses on sustainable and local products, and the food is fabulous!  I did learn however, that almond milk does not work well for lattes or cappuccinos.  From there we walked down to the Newseum and spent the rest of the afternoon there.  They have parts of the Berlin Wall there, they have artifacts from Katrina, they have the top of the antenna from the world trade center, and a great 4-D movie.

The best part is that they have free admission for teachers with their students.  I fully plan to take advantage of that, no matter where I teach.  We could have spent longer, but Sara wanted to head to mass at 5, so we took the metro back to VA and went to mass at her Church.  We grabbed dinner at a Thai restaurant, recouped at Sara's and then drove to the East Capitol District where some of Sara's friends live.  I love that area!  We ended up going to a bar called Kelly's Pub, which was great.  They had live music, a guy who played almost anything you would request.  Two girls sponsored by Smithwicks (pronounced Smit-icks) were handing out free samples, so that upped the consumption more than I had planned on.  I had a great time meeting new people and hanging out.  Sara and I headed back around 11:30 for bed.  The next morning we had brunch nearby with Natalie and Caitlin, also both Thetas.  It was really great to catch up with them!
       On my way back home, with a stop in a VA grocery store for wine requests of the parents (14 bottles), I did a lot of thinking and I'm pretty sure that I want to move to the DC area.  Plus, my ideas about Raleigh were killed when my Grandma informed me over break that NC's budget means that they won't be doing any hiring any time soon.  So my plan of action currently stands at applying to every Middle and High school in the Arlington, Fairfax, Alexandria and DC area.  When I got home I did some internet searching for schools, but if you live in the area, and know of a school, let me know so I can apply there too!  ;o)  Currently I'm considering public, private, independent and charter schools.  I don't know enough about charter or independent schools, but that's something to look into.  I also don't know about teaching in religious schools because I'm not that religious, (thats a work in progress), but I'm sure it's not the same as it was in the 60s.  Thoughts?

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