Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oh Middle School

Just a quick thought before I head out to school, and yes it is 6:15am.  Ugggg.  I learned yesterday that middle schoolers will give you attitude when they get mad at themselves for doing something stupid.  For example, students were given 15 minutes yesterday to correct mistakes on their exams.  Most used the time wisely, listened to the directions and gained a lot of points back.  One girl in the last class had chosen not to listen to the directions (just write the number and the answer, not the entire question) and had been writing the entire question out.  When I came around to collect the tests and the corrections, she tried to keep writing long after everyone else had turned theirs in.  Being the student teacher in her 3rd day, I wasn't going to grab the paper from her because I expected a backlash from that.  Finally, midway through the next activity my cooperating teacher (CT) came over and took the paper from her.  The girl slumped in her seat, crumpled papers and had a bad attitude the rest of the class.  Lovely.  I love 8th grade.

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