Thursday, January 27, 2011

State of the Union

Just reading the State of the Union speech on my snow day and it's quite inspiring.   Some thoughts:

  • I agree that we need to focus on clean energy and support research in that area because that will create jobs, reduce the amount of CO2 in the air and help us reduce pollution (and make people healthier).  
  • I agree that we need to support education more, and I liked that parental support was mentioned, but what about early child care to help students before they get to 1st grade?  
  • I agree that we need to rebuild our infrastructure and I would love to see trains running across America more so than they are now, not only for industry (goods moving more than 100 miles should be on trains, not trucks) but for passengers.  I wish I could take a train from Harrisonburg to DC.  How about putting rail lines in the I-81 median?
  • I agree that we need to work on decreasing the deficit and I hope that they are able to simplify the tax code and tax our wealthiest 2%. "It's not about their success, it's about America's success." [paraphrased] which makes me think of JFK's speech: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." I'll be hanging that in my classroom tomorrow.
  • I agree that we need to restructure the government, and found it quite amusing that salmon are regulated by three different departments.
  • Nice call out on the Afghan government to do a better job.

Overall good speech. Time to see if people will actually get stuff done.

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