Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Teacher

Leave home at 6:10, arrive at school at 6:35, put my lunch in the fridge, open up my classroom for the math class in their first period. Check email, re-arrange desks for the class, grab papers to copy and papers to grade, head to the work room.
Make copies, write lecture notes for chapter 19, create notes sheet for industrial revolution, enter grades into system for classes, period ends.
Walk back to classroom for SAP period, advise students on choices for next years class, re-arrange desks for my classes, create daily powerpoint with warm-up for 3rd period, continue to enter grades.
3rd period: welcome students, hand out permanent markers to write names on new notebooks, take attendance, help students get started on finishing revolution mind maps, hand out study guides for test to rest of students, help them get started, create key for study guide to post on board, circulate around the room to help and check that students are working, work on notes sheet for IR, check email again.  Continue to answer questions and give students hints until the period ends.  Remind students that test will be tomorrow or the next time I see them because of snow.
5th period: first lunch, 30 minutes to eat and breathe.  Day is half over.  Head back to classroom, set up projector, run to make copies of study guide and scan it, back to class, welcome students, take attendance, start them on finishing their revolution mind maps, post scanned keys on blackboard, circulate around the room, check email again, continue to work on IR notes while scanning the classroom, check weather, grade papers, return papers, circulate around the room.  Have students present mind maps, hand out study guide, help them start the study guide.
7th period: set up projector, run to restroom, back to class before the bell, welcome students, figure out who has to leave early for the science fair, start chapter 19 lecture, show 2 video clips, more lecture, immigration journals, lecture, Boss Tweed skit, half of the class leaves for science fair, watch school house rock videos until the day ends.
After school: enter more grades, do more grading, finish IR notes and print them out, make copies for first 3 things of IR unit, head home.

That's a somewhat slow day.  Ha.

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