Monday, February 6, 2012

Life of a teacher

It's just been one of those years where life is not normal and moving at the speed of a bullet train, yet somehow also feeling like its moving as slow as a slug.  So weird!  And I've been so busy that I can't even find time to call friends or my grandmother, who thank goodness was a teacher so she knows what the first year is like!  I promise I'm still alive, even though I've just donated half my closet to goodwill because nothing fits anymore!  The problem is that eat lunch at 10:30, am starving by 2:10 when school gets out, so I snack at work, then eat chips and salsa when I get home at 5, and then am not hungry for dinner, nor have the energy to cook dinner until 9:30, which is 30 minutes past my bedtime.  Uggh!  I either need to lay off the chips and salsa, which would probably take a strike breaker to get me away from (AP US History reference there...sorry), or have someone cook me dinner and make me eat veggies and protein.  Any takers?  I'll pay!

I keep meaning to do a "day in the life of Ms. V" post, but again, that gets put on the back burner when my lecture notes for tomorrow aren't done, nor are papers graded that were handed in a month ago, nor are lesson plans done for the next unit, nor are papers copied for tomorrow morning!  *Le sigh*

Bed time.

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