Monday, March 16, 2015

Sweet Potato & Lentil Curry (in two takes)

When Mom & Dad were in town a few weekends ago, C & I decided to make dinner on Friday night, using the recipe for Sweet Potato & Lentil Curry posted on my friend Meghan' blog.  I've loved every recipe Meghan has posted, you should check out her ever expanding menu of recipes!

This recipe evolved for us over two tries.  We had all the ingredients (I'm not going to write out the recipe, you have to go visit Meghan's blog!) and were ready to go, and then got to talking and the stove was too hot, and before we knew it, Dad mentioned that something smelled like it was burning, and low and behold we stirred and the bottom of the pot was black.  Everything tasted like a campfire.  Down the disposal it went and I scrounged around the kitchen to see what we had and whether we could make round 2, or had to go out to eat.

I found a butternut squash to use instead of the sweet potatoes, crushed tomatoes instead of diced, and luckily we had a second bag of red lentils!  Pot 2 was very successful.  So despite eating at 9pm and not being very hungry due to snacks while cooking, it was delicious!

As I can't have yogurt, being dairy-free, C found some plain soy yogurt at Whole Foods that worked well on the curry.  Everything else was dairy-free, making it pretty easy for me.

It was even better the next day after the flavors had time to combine.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh - you guys are such troopers for giving this another shot! That's a bummer about the burned lentils...I have absolutely done that before! I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for trying it and posting about it. :)
