Tuesday, June 15, 2010

25 things about me

1. I like answering these and reading other people's

2. My two feet are two different sizes, one a 9, the other a 7.5/8. 

3. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong century, I would have fit in well in the 1800s (Jane Austen anyone?) or 1600s (as royalty of course)

4. I don't like free time, I get bored and do things like this

5. I've never smoked a cigarette or pot and never will

6. I wish I was fluent in Dutch

7. I love tulips and will have them in my wedding

8. I reuse tea-bags for at least 2 cups of tea before throwing them out

9. I don't like eating out a lot, only for really special occasions. I'd rather stay in and cook a full meal

10. I like dressing up to go on a date, it makes me feel stronger, more respectable and more confident

11. So not a PDA person, and not a touchy-feely person either. I have a hard time trusting and showing emotions.

12. I wish I was back in/at YAG or CONA where life was simple and I was surrounded by friends who became family

13. I'm not very patient and get easily upset with really small things people do

14. The Wesley House was one of the best things in the world and the people make it so

15. I'm not a night person, I'd rather go to bed early and get up early than stay up late, and i usually am in bed by 11:30

16.  I question my choice of my life plans

17. I love shoes, and have a ton of pairs that don't fit (see #2) so I don't wear them often, but I could easily go buy more

18. I get annoyed with text messages and emails that contain improper grammar

19. I love old books that smell really good and old and musty. I love reading.

20. I love bookstores too. If I could own any kind of store, it would be a bookstore with old and new sections.

21. I want to live in the Netherlands, in either Makkum or Sassenheim. I've picked out the houses too.

22. I like my alone time, especially when I need it, but I like hanging out with people too.

23. The perfect party is one where there is no pressure, just a group of friends hanging out, laughing, playing games, telling stories; ie. YAG shindigs

24. I get grumpy when I'm tired, or hungry, or annoyed, or stressed. I was Grumpy for halloween one year, kind of makes sense. After the last concussion a year ago I still need more sleep than I used to and am more moody. If I don't get enough sleep I have worse balance and more problems concentrating.

25. I am really afraid of needles, sometimes they make me pass out and I don't like lots of blood

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