Monday, June 21, 2010


I decided it was time to do something for me and I've always wanted a right hand ring as a "congrats you've made it this far and you'll only go further" kind of thing.  I looked in every jewelry store in harrisonburg, couldn't find anything that I liked so I started looking online, just to see if I was describing things wrong.  Well, I found the ring at and I bought it late last week.  It arrived today!  And I am now wearing it on my right hand.  ;o)  It's blue topaz in a gold setting surrounded by tiny diamonds and a silver wrapped band.  I'll try to post pictures soon.

Maybe this will help motivate me in classes right now?

In other news, Coolwhip now contains milk.  It used to be milk free, so we bought some the other day and eating it last night was a bad idea.  Not only did it mess up my stomach, but it drained me of energy all today.  It was really hard to focus and get things done in class today.  Arg.  Luckily I'm headed to Philly on Wed for the National Athletic Training Conference and I get to see some of my ATEP kids!  Yay!  I'll be back on Friday to take a midterm this weekend and work on the first of many big technology assignments.

I forgot to mention that I got my student teaching placements today in an email.  I start at Shelbourne Middle School in Staunton in the 8th grade (civics) then moving to Turner Ashby High School for the last 8 weeks, not sure what grade that will be with.  I'll have to check.

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