Thursday, July 15, 2010

Computer Glitches

On Tuesday I worked for about 1.5 hours creating part of our video project, downloading clips off youtube, editing them and arranging them in imovie at the lab in Memorial.  I saved it to the thawspace, the area that does not get erased, so I thought everything would be set when I got there this morning.  Gabe and I filmed our little clips yesterday, which we were going to add in today.  Got to class, tried to open up our project, and what do you know, it was blank.  There were no clips in it.  I stewed all class, trying to figure out what happened to it, and then after class learned that I had only saved the project into thawspace, not the events.  The maker of imovie9 had decided to separate them when saving.  Jerk.  So I recreated it which took about an hour, saved the events into thawspace and when I was done checked and the project was in thawspace too, last updated at 12:54. Thought I was ok.  Restarted the computer, opened up thawspace, and the project was still there as were the events.  Double clicked on the project to open it, and once again, it opened up blank. I have no idea what happened to it.  I also couldn't get the film we made yesterday loaded onto the computer, so I had to go to the ETMC, finally figured out how to open them and couldn't look at imovie again to restart the whole project.  Came home and had a meltdown. Now I'm making brownies, hoping that will help.  I hate computers.  I hate JMU's stupid lab security bullshit of restarting computers. I hate Thawspace. and I hate imovie.

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