Monday, July 26, 2010

New York City, center of the universe...

I've been in NYC for 3 days now visiting my brother, who has an internship here.  Got in on Friday, we grabbed dinner in the Lower East side near where A is living, and then headed up to his friend's place on the Upper West Side for a party.  It was hot, felt like 120, and there was only one air conditioner in the entire apartment.  So we hung out in front of it, naturally.  Then Saturday we went down to the financial district, grabbed brunch at the Pearl St. Diner, and went to the South Street Seaport Museum.  Got to see FDR's collection of ship models, which made me appreciate the model we have at home so much more.  Also got to see the Peking, one of the last sail cargo ships and a pretty view of the Brooklyn Bridge.  Then the shopping adventure started as A needed some new dress shirts for work.  Found 2 at Brooks Brothers (Sale! and it was across from the WTC site) then headed up to Macy's where we got him Sperry's (he wanted them, I swear I was not a preppy influence, it's his frat brothers!) and 2 more shirts.  I got 2 shirts on sale (which made me happy because I didn't know they were on sale until I got to the register) and then we headed back to his apt.  After dropping off our stuff and showering, we headed to meet L, our cousin for dinner at Momofuku, a fantastic Asian restaurant.  We had a 4 course tasting menu (we split one for all three of us) plus pork buns (omg delicious) and ginger scallion noodles (omg also delicious!).  So yummy and we got to catch up with L.  We then headed up to her place to let out Holly, her new dog, and went to a jazz bar around the corner.  Drinks were ridiculously expensive, but I only needed one to cover my drink minimum and they had a great band.  A and I then headed back down around 1am, watched an episode of Community and passed out.  Sunday we got up late, made bacon and eggs, watched more episodes of Community and then went up to the Yankee's game.  We made it through 5 innings and it was really cool because whenever A Rod went to bat there were a million camera lights flashing (he was trying to hit his 600th home run).  A nice red storm (red on the weather map) rolled in and we left because I figured they would call the game eventually and didn't want to get stuck trying to get to the subway.  Cool experience tho and we were up in the nose-bleed section of their really nice new stadium.  Headed back here, watched some Community, went grocery shopping, ate dinner, watched more Community and went to bed.  We've watched 16 episodes so far this weekend.  We might just be a little addicted. ;o)

Today I went to the NYC Public Library (5th and 42nd) and looked up where my mom's family lived in NYC in the social registers.  Found them and their houses and then went up and took pictures of 12/14 houses that used to belong to the fam.  It'll be really cool to show the family next time we see them, and I bet mom will be excited about the pics because she just wanted the addresses.  It was a good walk around and a nice scavenger hunt.  Came back down to the apartment to make some pasta salad and then head up to Bryant Park for the showing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  ;o) Can't wait!

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