Monday, August 2, 2010

another update

Monday night in NYC was the first night that it was a decent temperature even after the sun left, so the entire city of NYC decided to join us in Bryant Park for Monty Python.  Seriously, the entire city.  I got there at 7 and the law was full, so we sat in one of the outer alleys, half way back and could see 3/4 of the screen, but since we knew the movie, we just had to hear it.  A's friend L joined us with one of her friends, then our cousin L stopped by with her BF towards the end.  We had yummy pasta salad, beer and cookies, which sounds like a complete college dinner to me.  After the movie we sat in the park talking until a police officer came around, only shouting "park is closing" in the strongest NY accent you can imagine and shining his flashlight in our faces.  We got the hint and headed back to A's place.

Tuesday I got up early with the boys and headed out after breakfast to the subway taking it over to Penn Station and back to Union where Aunt V picked me up and I got my car.  Another easy drive with lots of trucks and construction.  I did see an oil tanker that had run off the road and was being held up by wires attached to other trucks so that it did not fall and explode.  There were lots of guys running around in hazmat suits, and there wasn't anything in the paper the next day about a tanker explosion so I think they recovered it safely.  Had dinner with the parents and thus began my time at home.

So far at home I have: made new bathroom curtains, added light-proof backing to my bedroom curtains, read Undaunted Heart (about the daughter of the UNC president who married a Union General right after the Civil War), finished the first season of Friday Night Lights (tv show on netflix), done some secret projects, slept in (until 3pm the first day, 11am the rest), saw Smokey Joe's Cafe with the parents which was great, went shopping with mom (more like errand running), had a cookout with smores for my parents' students, and am getting ready for the beach.  We leave on Friday at noon.  Should be spectacular. (and possibly my last year ;o(

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