Monday, April 19, 2010

The Beginning

I've thought about creating a blog for a while, but haven't really had the time to do so. Not that I have the time now. But I want somewhere to share things that I've learned or want to learn more about, or things that are driving me crazy, or things that I'm really happy about, and I'm not sure that twitter or facebook are the place to do it. So I've created this.

Welcome to my life. Things are in the process of changing. Change scares me. I'm not sure if Athletic Training, something that I spent 2+ years of my life learning about, is the right profession for me, or if it is my passion. There are several reasons why:
1. I have to work all next week, and I'm dreading will I be dreading it for the rest of my life?
2. I don't miss going into clinicals, or having to orient my schedule around a team and a coach, or having no life for fun outside
3. I'm a person that needs sleep, and I have anxiety (thanks to being female and from my family, all of us girls struggle with this) and I'm not sure that I can teach and do AT at the same time and not go crazy
4. that whole not liking needles things is kind of an issue, and crazy amounts of blood can be a problem too
but what i'm worried about is whether I'll be able to find a job with just teaching (not both, which I know I can find a job in) especially because my degree is in AT, even tho I've also completed all the courses for ISS (interdisciplinary social sciences), and i've completed ISS but not history (meaning I took 6 upper level history classes, not 12), and I'll be getting an MAT. I'm not sure of the differences between an MAT and an MEd...something to look up.

so do i just continue with the plan, or do i change and maybe decide to stay in school for another year (gasp) to take more history classes (to meet that 12 that everyone else takes)...we'll see. meanwhile, stress levels are rising.

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