Monday, April 19, 2010

Lessons from Tonight

I went to Greek IV tonight for a panel discussion on the topic of relationships, marriage and sex. While the panelists were very conservative and I didn't agree with most of their views, I did learn a few things that might be helpful to remember for the future:

*You can't fix people that you are in a relationship with, therefore be careful who you chose to date because you're not going to be able to change things.
*Because of careful who you fall in love with
*Look for the emotional relationship first before the physical because once you have emotional intimacy, physical will follow (most of the time)
* Make sure you know your own values, and then find someone who they match with to help make things work in the long run (ie marriage). Just saying we're both Democrats is not what this you treat money the same way (similar spending habits, budgeting, etc), were you raised similarly, what does your parents' relationship look like and how does it compare to his, how do you believe children should be raised, who is expected to do what...there are many other things to think about of course, and each person's list is different and will evolve over time, but that's a general start.

Granted I'm not in a relationship, nor am I looking for one right now. School takes up too much time to be able to devote to someone else. And I haven't met anyone lately that would qualify. But things for the future...

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