Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I was reading through the Launch Team website for Wesley and came across Ramblings (http://www.thelaunchteam.org/discussion-forum/post/1024072) and found this:

"I struggle with the divinity of Jesus. Mostly because of church. I could absolutely believe that Jesus died for everyone's sins - but I feel like traditional Christianity has twisted that into the belief that he only died for you if you come to accept him as "your personal lord and savior" - as a church going Christian. Part of me believes that's bullshit."

Thank you for putting into words something I agree with. One of the panelists last night talked about how your sins are written across a chalkboard like a list, but when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior those sins get wiped off, not just crossed off. I think they get wiped off anyways, you don't have to be the perfect "lord and savior" type of Christian to have that happen. It's called God's grace and i think it's something a lot of people forget about. I think they also forget about Jesus loving everyone, and if he loved everyone, wouldn't he wipe off the sins for EVERYONE? Not just the "savior" types?

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