Sunday, September 26, 2010

I wanna be a Theta...oh-oh-oh!

It's recruitment time here at JMU and I'm helping Theta out as much as I can this week which meant being here until 10:30 on Thursday night, skipping out on Friday to do homework, heading to Ashland on Saturday for a Theta Advising workshop and being back here at the house today until about 6.  Yay!  They're doing really well (in my opinion) and I hope it results in a really good group of new members.  (We don't say pledges anymore...that's TNT: Totally Not Theta)  Yesterday was a great affirmation of continuing to be involved with Theta this year as an advisor.  I'm glad that I'm not active because I would not be able to handle that, not sure how Christa (chapter president) does it being in grad school like me.  Granted I'm taking more credits than she is, but still, classes are crazy!  But the workshop was great, got to know Mallory one of our other advisors better, got to meet advisors from other chapters, got to hear that we're not that bad off here at JMU, especially since we're so new and still do everything by the book.  I met the advisors from Duke so if I end up near there next year I can help out with them, maybe not the first 2 years of teaching, but definitely after that if I'm still in that area.  I know for sure now that I want to continue to support the Fraternity in whatever way I can in the future, especially as an advisor!

3 more parties today!  Almost done!

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