Monday, September 20, 2010

weekend in the Star City

After the football game on Friday night (Broadway creamed Central) I drove to Roanoke, arriving at Lindsay and Tom's house around 1am.  There must have been a pick-up truck convention because besides Mac trucks, pick-up trucks were the only other vehicles on the road that night.  crazy!  I passed out pretty fast that night and then was woken up at 7 to get ready for the Marine 5K Mud Run we were doing.  Lindsay's friend Koko was doing it with us and got to the house around 7:15.  We took Logan (5 months) with us while Tom and Patrick (age 4) followed a little later to the race site.  Just before the race started we passed Logan off to Tom.  The course wound through a huge park, through a meadow, into the river, along the road, into a mud pit, up a mountain, along the ridge, down the hill, fording a river, back along the road and into the final mud pit that you pretty much have to swim through.  It was awesome!  I was actually able to jog half of it without my lungs complaining, which is an improvement over the last few weeks.  They still need work to get the asthma under control.  After the race we were covered in mud, used the showers that the fire dept set up and then changed by the car in order to head to lunch at Mac & Bobs in Salem.  Yum!  That afternoon I could feel a cold coming on and I was exhausted from the morning, but a nap didn't really happen.  I got to hang out with Tom on the porch, we had a fabulous dinner and then started to watch the Book of Eli after putting the kids to bed.  I didn't last and had to go to bed before the movie ended.  Sunday I got to sleep in a bit and got woken up by Logan coming to snuggle.  He's such a happy baby and trying to crawl.  I had to keep him from diving off the bed onto the floor.  It was a slow morning and I ended up heading out around 2pm to get back to JMU.  Visiting them now post-children is very different and we don't get the same amount of time to hang out and catch up, but it was still good to see them and get to catch up a bit.  It was especially interesting after lunch with Amanda on Friday, but that will have to be another post as I have to get to practicum.

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