Thursday, September 16, 2010

sustainability and growth

we're reading an article for inquiry class about sustainability and the major theme is that population growth is the major fault for issues of sustainability.  i agree in some senses, because as the population grows you do need more resources for them (or they use more resources).  i've always thought of myself as a fairly sustainable person.  i walk places, i recycle, i turn off the lights and keep the heat low (much to my roomies' chagrin) but reading about this has made me think.  i've always wanted a big family, lots of kids to fill the house and to feed, but the article is making me re-think that.  i still want a family, don't get me wrong, but what about setting an example for the rest of the world by self limiting ourselves to 2 kids.  is that so bad?  obviously we can't make any laws determining the number of kids you can have.  but my thought is that if you want more than 2 kids (and can support more than 2) why not adopt to fill your family.  i know that takes extra money, and i wish that it wasn't so complicated and expensive a process, but that's what i'm thinking i want to do.

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