Saturday, May 8, 2010


Some really cool things from the Education world (I get the ASCD emails):

Boston schools are implementing teacher feedback from students.  So students will be able to fill out a form that will get sent to teachers to tell them how they're doing.  Once the teachers have read through them, the teachers' names get removed and the information gets sent to administrators to tell them how their school faculty is doing.  I love this idea!  And it's something I plan on doing in my classroom whether my school district makes me or not because the only way for me to really improve as a teacher is to get multiple forms of data, my own reflections, student assessments and student feedback and then figure out what I can do better.

Denver had a school system wide (meaning the whole district participated) Shakespeare festival where students from K through 12 performed all types of Shakespeare.  That would have been awesome to go to!

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