Sunday, May 2, 2010

Finished my multi-genre paper this morning for my literacy class and just finished re-doing the citations in my Civil War paper.  Not sure how they got so messed up.  I really wish that there was one way to cite things that would work for the entire world, that's the problem with being an interdisciplinary major.  I think they ended up the first time being a mixture of APA and Turabian with a little AMA thrown in for good measure.  Ugg.  I even had to go through a book that I used, realize that the sources were not primary when I thought they were, and go through the Official Records of the war of the rebellion, printed by the War Department to find the information to cite correctly.  Thank goodness those things are online and key word searchable or I would have cried.  I almost did looking at the 100+ volumes and not knowing where to start looking.  I can't imagine life before the key word searchable internet!

Tomorrow I turn in my MGP and take my oral exam for Civil War, then I just have a reflection for Wed and 2 mini papers for Thursday, one is an open notebook test to take.  Should be easy.

I was over at the Wesley House today, now known as the Rise Mission Center because we're re-doing the inside of the building, painting and hopefully tearing down some walls so it's not so much a maze on the inside.  It's kind of hard tho because I did a lot of the work to make it what it looks like, and people are just redoing the whole thing like it's no big deal.  I put a lot of time into those paint color choices and into painting those walls.  It will be interesting how it turns out.  Off to the final Crave...we'll see how uninterested I get.

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